Discover an eternal perspective on personal finance from the bestselling author of Heaven and The Treasure Principle.
God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention. In fact, Jesus says more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic—including both heaven and hell.
In Managing God’s Money, Randy Alcorn breaks down exactly what the Bible has to say about how we are to handle our money and possessions in a simple, easy-to-follow format. Filled with Scripture references, Managing God’s Money is the perfect reference tool for anyone who is interested in gaining a solid biblical understanding of money, possessions, stewardship, and eternity. It answers common financial questions Christians ask, such as:
Great for personal use, small groups, or churches, Managing God’s Money offers practical wisdom for being faithful with your finances.
“Why did Jesus say more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic—including both Heaven and Hell, and prayer and faith? Because God wants us to recognize the powerful relationship between our true spiritual condition and our attitude and actions concerning money and possessions.” (source)
“They didn’t understand the barrier that wealth presents to genuine spiritual birth and growth. Apparently, neither do we.” (source)
“steward as ‘someone an owner entrusts with the management of his assets.’” (source)
“Materialism is money centered and thing centered rather than God centered.” (source)
“When we stand before our Master and Maker, it will not matter how many people on Earth knew our names, how many called us great, or how many considered us fools. It will not matter whether schools and hospitals were named after us, whether our estates were large or small, whether our funerals drew ten thousand or no one. What will matter is one thing and one thing only—what our Master thinks of us.” (source)