Products>Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy

Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy

, 2008
ISBN: 9781433522345


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What do you do when you've really blown it? Is sin really as dangerous and is grace really as powerful as the Bible says they are? Is there such a thing as a new beginning?

Sin and grace-these are the two themes of our lives. We all blow it and we all need to start over again. In Psalm 51, David tells his story of moral failure, personal awareness, grief, confession, repentance, commitment, and hope. And because David's story is every believer's story, Psalm 51 is every believer's psalm. It tells how we, as broken sinners, can be brutally honest with God and yet stand before him without fear.

Whiter Than Snow unpacks this powerful little psalm in fifty-two meditations, reminding readers that by God's grace there is mercy for every wrong and grace for every new beginning. Designed for busy believers, these brief and engaging meditations are made practical by the reflection questions that conclude each chapter.

Top Highlights

“The greatest victory in David’s life was not a victory of David’s at all, but, rather, God’s victory of grace over the sin that had captivated David’s heart.” (source)

“Because of what Jesus did, God looks on me with mercy. It’s my only appeal; it’s the source of my hope; it’s my life. Mercy, mercy me!” (source)

“It is that what you and I really need to be rescued from is ourselves! We are the biggest danger to ourselves. That is why God offers us the gorgeous promise of his grace which has the power to change us from the inside out.” (source)

“iniquity. Iniquity is best described as moral uncleanness.” (source)

“So God’s grace isn’t always comfortable because he isn’t primarily working on our comfort; he’s working on our character” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy
  • Author: Tripp, Paul David
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781433522345

Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, an award-winning author, and an international conference speaker. He has written numerous books, including  Lead; Parenting; and the bestselling devotional  New Morning Mercies. His not-for-profit ministry exists to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. Tripp lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Luella, and they have four grown children.


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