Life’s painful trials can bring shame about our inadequate and broken faith. There is relief in hearing the expressions of desperation in the psalmist’s voice. He didn’t experience this life perfected, and we don’t either. But the psalmist was loved. So are we.
God was so kind to give us the Psalms.
To walk through darkened days is part of the human experience. To walk through them with faith, comfort, strength, joy, and hope is part of the divine experience. Our eyes, though, are often clouded to those blessings by the thing oppressing us. When we remember and recognize our Father’s faithfulness, when we see reality with the eyes of understanding, the darkness ebbs and the light of hope grows. The impossible, unbearable, and unthinkable becomes the hidden passageway to truth, hope, and joy in Christ.
These letters were originally written as encouragement to a friend when the darkness began to overtake his path. Each day for 22 days, a letter arrived with one of the eight-verse sections from Psalm 119 along with a small thought to bring light and hope and to be a reminder that we do not fight our battles alone. The letters, along with nine more devotions on the subject of experiencing God in the dark, make up this powerful, honest, hope-filled 31-day devotional.
Perceptive insights and poignant moments weave their way through the tapestry of Sarah Van Diest’s touching new book, God in the Dark. This book beckons all, for none can escape those seasons when we struggle under the debilitating cords of discouragement and even despair. Don’t miss the uplifting light in God in the Dark!
Almost everyone I know is trying to chase away their questions, frustrations, fears, confusion, and heartaches with methods that seem temporary. They creep back instantly with the same or worse confusion. This book has solid, long-lasting answers to chase away the darkness of life by offering truth and promises from the Book of Life. Read God in the Dark. Gift it to your loved ones and friends. Snuggle with it in your darkest hour, catch the light of God’s love for you, and live free!
Into the experience of all come dark days, days in which feelings of despair are so overwhelming that death seems preferable to life—but if one could penetrate that dark veil, they would see God holding them close, directing His angels to strengthen and protect, His Spirit to enlighten, heal, and free the soul. Sarah Van Diest’s God in the Dark is penetrating, powerful, illuminating—dispelling the dark and healing the soul! This book is a shining beacon of heavenly light!
Sarah Van Diest’s short devotional, God in the Dark, arrived at a pivotal point in my life. I read the intimate letters in the morning, not because I needed to write a blurb, but because it felt like the perfect way to align my perspective with God’s heart. Lyrical and yet easily understood, God in the Dark is a gift to believers during these crucial times.
Hope, faith, identity, and victory. These are just some of the very real issues that Sarah speaks into with vulnerability, authenticity, and truth in God in the Dark. Through Scripture and then her own reflection, Sarah compassionately yet confidently assures us that while we all have those times of walking in the hard, dark seasons of life, God is always there waiting to hold, guide, and at times carry us through, all the while taking us deeper in our relationship with Him.
We are often scared of the dark. But do we need to be? With penetrating insight and pointed prose, my friend Sarah Van Diest has crafted an invitation into the dark. Not an invitation to live in the dark, but an invitation to crack open the door and let the light pierce the darkness. This beauty of a book makes being in the dark so much more hopeful. Highly recommended. Cheers.
Penned with a poet’s hand, God in the Dark is the kind of book that comes alongside you like a best friend. The kind of friend you can turn to when the rest of the world is sleeping and the quiet is overbearing. Who reminds us to hope when there are no clear roads or easy explanations and points us to worth, strength, and trust in the One who is greater than our overwhelm. I have a very short list of books I feel worthy to gift friends in times of difficulty. God in the Dark is now one of them.
The perfect daily dose of deep truths, wise words, and inspiring and poignant insights. Highly recommended!
Times of darkness and despair come to us all. Sometimes they burst in like explosions, toppling everything we hold dear. At other times, the darkness creeps up on us, enveloping us in a stifling cloud bereft of hope. No matter where you are, author Sarah Van Diest is offering you a light. This book is a lamp to help guide you back into the healing presence of the Father. Like me, I know you’ll purchase it again and again, not just because you’ll wear out your copy, but because you’ll want to offer its hope to others who are also struggling.
When going through difficult circumstances, the best comfort often comes our way from someone who has walked in our shoes. My dear friend Sarah Van Diest is one of those people. She takes the lessons she’s learned in the dark moments of her life, shares about the God she discovered there, and then highlights precious promises from His Word that provide hope. I highly recommend God in the Dark for anyone who needs a reminder that God is always there with us . . . even in the dark times.
If you’re looking for a friendly, fluffy devotional, this is not your book. But if you’ve known gut-level, wrenching cries of the deep heart and thunder-filled shouts of hope, then Sarah Van Diest’s collection of thoughts will draw you back again and again. Tears will come (mine did) and joy will surface as Sarah’s words usher you into the presence of the One that brings unquenchable light to the darkness. Yes, buy this book for yourself, and know you’ll likely be buying another for a friend.
The Bible says that man is born for trouble as the sparks fly upward (Job 5:7). We all experience hardship and difficult times. The journey through those troubling times is often very lonely, confusing, and dark. It is in those dark times where an uplifting and encouraging word from a friend is the very thing that our greatest Friend uses to help and heal . . . or to simply refocus us so that we may endure another day. God in the Dark is a book born from real life; a friend encouraging a friend to remember God’s presence and love despite the darkness. It is a pleasure to call Sarah Van Diest my friend, and I know that all who ponder and digest her caring, compassionate, and tender written words will sense a kinship with her and be touched by her tenderness. And, most importantly, you will be reminded of the breadth and length and height and depth of God’s love for us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:18).
I’ve been a recipient of Sarah’s generous, penetrating, and beautiful words, and I’ve long treasured her humble friendship. It’s an honor to share some of the best of her insight with what I pray will be many new friends. Come near, all who thirst for comfort, and drink deep!